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A consolidated method for the analysis of VOCs in soil by HS-GC-MS in analytical testing laboratories Be the first to rate this application

a consolidated method for analysis vocs soil by hsgcms analytical testing laboratories


A consolidated analytical method for the analysis of volatile organic compounds in soil using headspace (HS) gas chromatography (GC) single quadrupole mass spectrometry (MS), following the U.S. EPA 5021 sample preparation guidelines and aligned with the requirements of HJ642-2013 and HJ736-2015 Chinese standard methods
Market: Environmental
Keywords: GC, environmental, soil, Headspace, MS, Gas Chromatography, Single quadrupole mass spectrometer, ISQ 7000, valve and loop, TriPlus 500 HS, EPA 5021, HJ642-2013, HJ736-2015
Matrix: Soil
Author: David Lee; Cristian Cojocariu
Affiliation: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Uploaded on 8/28/2020.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.