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AN73339: Determination of Anionic Polar Pesticides by Ion Chromatography with Serial Detection by Suppressed Conductivity and Mass Spectrometry

Food safety and perceived health risks from residual agricultural chemicals are ongoing public concerns, and these chemicals are under increasing regulatory scrutiny, including polar pesticides. Much of the attention is focused on glyphosate because of its of wide use and association with crops and seeds genetically modified to tolerate glyphosate. In this application note, fast determination of multiple anionic pesticides and disinfection byproducts by IC-MS is demonstrated. All analytes of interest elute <14 min and were detected serially by suppressed conductivity and mass spectrometry.Market: | Food and Beverage; Environmental |
Keywords: | Bromate, Chlorate, Chlorite, AMPA, Glyphosate, RFIC, SIM, IC-MS, IonPac AS19, Cyanuric Acid, Suppressed Conductivity, Reagent-Free IC, Bromide, ICS-6000, ISQ EC, anionic polar pesticides, ASRS 300 suppressor, bialaphos, Fosetyl, glufosinate, MPPA, Ethephon, AN 73339, AN73339 |
Matrix: | Extracts of homogenized beans and pears |
Author: | Terri Christison and Jeff Rohrer |
Affiliation: | Thermo Fisher Scientific |
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.