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Separation of Eight Nucleotides and Six Organic Acids: KOH Gradient Be the first to rate this application


This report demonstrates the proof of concept to determine eight nucleotides and six organic acid metabolites by anion-exchange chromatography with suppressed conductivity detection. The metabolites were separated on the 2 mm i.d. Thermo Scientific Dionex IonPac AS11-HC-4um column, using electrolytically generated KOH gradient. These experiments were facilitated by the Thermo Scientific Dionex ICS-6000 HPIC system. Compare these results against those using methanol organic modifier (another record in AppsLab and in the attached report).
Market: Metabolomics
Keywords: AMP, ATP, Formate, Malate, Nucleotides, Sugar phosphates, dTTP, Citrate, Succinate, Isocitrate, Metabolites, RFIC, Oxalate, Reagent-Free IC, NADPH, metabolomics, ICS-6000, TCA cycle, IonPac AS11HC, phospho-sugars, dCMP, NAD, dGMP, UTP, ADRS 600, AN1137, AN622
Matrix: Standards in DI Water
Author: Linda Lin and Michael Hzivd
Affiliation: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Status: Proof of Concept
Uploaded on 7/25/2019.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.