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AB72404: Fast Determination of Inorganic Cations and Low Mass Amines in a Spoiled Cranberry Juice Sample using IC-MS Be the first to rate this application


Reliable analytical methods for food and beverage samples are required in order to report ingredients for food labeling requirements, to maintain product quality, and to ensure the absence of food contamination and spoilage. In this application brief, separations of four inorganic cations and diethylamine in a spoiled cranberry juice sample were achieved within six minutes. The analytes were detected serially, by suppressed conductivity and mass spectrometry in full scan (FS) and SIM (select ion monitoring) modes. This application brief updates AN269.
Market: Food and Beverage
Keywords: Diethylamine, dimethylamine, Ethylamine, Magnesium, Methylamine, RFIC, Potassium, IonPac CS12A column, IC, Calcium, IC-MS, Sodium, triethanolamine, Ammonium, Single quadrupole mass spectrometer, Integrion IC, ISQ EC mass spectrometer, Monoethanolamine, EA, TN72611
Matrix: 1000-fold diluted spoiled cranberry juice
Author: Terri Christison, Alex Semyonov, and Jeff Rohrer
Affiliation: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Uploaded on 10/27/2017.