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Determination of Lipophilic Marine Biotoxins in Molluscs by LC-MS/MS using Offline Extraction Be the first to rate this application

determination lipophilic marine biotoxins molluscs by lcmsms using offline extraction


Many countries have had to deal with the death of wild animals and domestic livestock due to toxic microalgal blooms in both marine and fresh water. Poisoning in humans has been associated with the direct consumption of shellfish, fish, or toxin-contaminated water. The foods most frequently involved in episodes of human poisoning are represented by bivalve molluscs. In accordance with current European regulations, we propose a quick, selective, sensitive, and accurate analytical method for the determination of lipophilic marine biotoxins in bivalve molluscs using an LC-MS/MS method.
Market: Environmental
Keywords: Food Safety, TSQ Quantum Ultra, Marine biotoxins
Matrix: Mollusc
Author: Francesca G. Bellagambi, Alessio Ceccarini, Cláudia P. B. Martins, Michal Godula
Affiliation: University of Pisa - Italy; Thermo Fisher Scientific
Uploaded on 3/25/2016.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.