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Determination of 17 Mycotoxins in Cereals and Cereal Based Food Using Liquid Chromatography–Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry Be the first to rate this application

determination 17 mycotoxins cereals cereal based food using liquid chromatography–triple quadrupole mass spectrometry


Mycotoxins are potentially toxic secondary metabolites produced by different species of fungi. The main relevant species occurring on cereals are Penicillium sp., Fusarium sp. and Aspergillus sp. The fungal contamination can either occur on the field or during storage. For cereals and baby food, the European Union (EU) legislation currently sets maximum levels (ML) for key mycotoxins. We describe a simple and fast multi-mycotoxin method that covers the legislated mycotoxins as well as 5 metabolites.
Market: Food and Beverage
Keywords: LC-MS/MS, Commission Regulation 1881/2006/EC, mycotoxin detection and analysis, cereals
Matrix: Cereals
Author: Katharina von Bargen, Ebru Sarikaya, and Michal Godula
Affiliation: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Uploaded on 3/14/2016.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.