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Screening Method for 30 Pesticides in Green Tea Extract Using Automated Online Sample Preparation with LC-MS/MS Be the first to rate this application

screening method for 30 pesticides green tea extract using automated online sample preparation with lcmsms


Analysis of pesticide residues has been one of the most important tasks of food safety laboratories. Mass spectrometers (MS), with liquid chromatography coupled to triple stage quadrupole mass spectrometers (LC-MSMS), have been the main tools used in pesticide residue analysis. There is a consensus that sample preparation is becoming the bottleneck to the entire workflow. We developed a rapid and sensitive automated online sample preparation LC-MS/MS method to screen for multiple pesticides in green tea extract.
Market: Food and Beverage
Keywords: Pesticides, Food Safety, TurboFlow Technology, Aria OS Software
Matrix: Green tea
Author: Yang Shi, Catherine Lafontaine, Fangting Ye, Zheng Jiang, Le Ma, Ting Liu, Haijian Wang
Affiliation: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Uploaded on 3/7/2016.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.