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TN27: Determination of Lanthanide Metals in Digested Rock Samples by Chelation Ion Chromatography Be the first to rate this application

lanthanide metals by chelation ion chromatography


A technique called chelation ion chromatography (chelation IC) was developed for the determination of transition and lanthanide metals in complex matrices. The sample pretreatment system (chelation concentration) coupled directly to the ion chromatograph offers the analyst a solution to the detection limit and interference problems commonly experienced when analyzing complex matrices.
Market: GeoSciences
Keywords: Chelation Ion Chromatography, Lanthanide Metals, IonPac CS5, Rock
Matrix: Digested acid solution
Affiliation: Thermo Scientific
Status: Proof of Concept
Uploaded on 11/16/2015.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.