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Three-Fold Increase in Productivity for Pesticide Residue Analysis in Baby Food Using Fast Triple Quadrupole GC-MS/MS Be the first to rate this application

threefold increase productivity for pesticide residue analysis baby food using fast triple quadrupole gcmsms


In this study, a fast, easy, and robust workflow was used to analyze pesticide residues in baby food. Accurate and sensitive detection, quantification, and identification of pesticides in baby foods is of particular importance because babies are more vulnerable to adverse health effects from these chemicals.
Market: Food and Beverage
Keywords: Baby Food, Food Safety, GC-MS/MS, Pesticide Analysis, TraceFinder
Matrix: Baby food
Author: C Cojocariu, M T Hetmanski, P Silcock, R J Fussell
Affiliation: Thermo Fisher Scientific, Food and Environment Research Agency (FERA), York, UK
Uploaded on 6/29/2015.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.