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High resolution analysis of explosives for EPA method 8330A Be the first to rate this application

high resolution analysis explosives for epa method 8330a
# Compound Name Compound Class RT (min)
1 HMX Explosive 5.03
2 RDX Explosive 7.65
3 1,3,5-TNB Explosive 8.91
4 1,3-DNB Explosive 10.85
5 NB Explosive 11.82
6 2,4,6-TNT Explosive 15.50
7 Tetryl Explosive 16.47
8 2,6-DNT Explosive 17.63
9 2,4-DNT Explosive 18.50
10 2-NT Explosive 20.34
11 4-NT Explosive 22.28
12 3-NT Explosive 24.03
13 4-Am-2,6-DNT Explosive 25.48
14 2-Am-4,6-DNT Explosive 26.74


The Thermo Scientific HPLC system is applied for the analysis of explosives by EPA method 8300A. The separation is performed on a Thermo Scientific Acclaim Explosives E2 column, with UV detection at 254 nm.
Market: Environmental
Keywords: Acclaim Explosives E2, DNB, DNT, EPA 8330A, Explosives, HMX, HPLC, NB, NT, RDX, Tetryl, TNB, TNT, UV detection
Matrix: N/A
Uploaded on 5/4/2015.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.